About Us
The “Friends of Benson Park” was founded in 2012 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our Board of Directors has changed over the years but all of these dedicated volunteers have been involved in the fundraising and planning for the “Benson’s Museum & Discovery Center” to be housed in the Elephant Barn structure at Benson Park.
We would like to acknowledge & thank these former “Friends of Benson Park” Board members for their dedication to the greater Hudson community and the commitment to preserve Benson Park and it’s history:
Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Friends of Benson Park work diligently to maintain the historic legacy of the park as well as provide a meaningful experience to the community.
Deb Federico – Chairman/President
Board Member Hello, my name is Deb...
Natalie Newell – Interim Secretary, Vice Chairman/Vice President
Natalie Newell - Friends of Benson Park -...
Karen McLavey – Treasurer
Friends of Benson Park – Treasurer since July...
John Leone – Board Member
Chairman/President John moved to Hudson in...
Jim Leach – Board Member
Board Member Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...
Friends of Benson Park EIN: 27-2488277
Our Mission
Mike Carrafiello
John Crafts
Dan Levesque
Glen Della-Monica*
Sean Jasper
Paul Lacasse
Kenneth Matthews*
Mike McQueeney
Lynne Ober*
Fred Ramos*
Dana Sion
Rich Tassi
Nadine Villafranca
Laurie Galbo
Note: * indicates Founding Members
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A Special Thanks to Our Partners & Sponsors